Hull City of Culture, BAMM,

Hull Paragon train station.

I am a member of Bamm (British Art of Modern Mosaic) and I was instrumental in a very large project with the group in 2017 as part of Hull 2017 year of Culture.

25 mosaic artists and 6 community groups worked with Bamm north to create over 130 mosaic birds for Hull Paragon train station.

The birds were installed as a murmuration flying around the entrance hall of the station.

I designed the layout with artist Diana Storey and the installation method with Darren Richardson.

As part of Bamm North I talked about the project at the annual conference in London that September.

  • Hull Paragon Train Station, 2017

  • Ceramic, wood, 150m

  • Client: Hull 2017


Park shelter, '1930's sofa and Lamp'


New build School, 'Windswept Tree'